B.2 Console statements

The following statements are used to print on the BayES console or clear the console.


Arguments and performed function


Clears the BayES console.

  • This function has no effect if BayES is run without the GUI (batch mode)

print( A [, c ]);

Prints A on the BayES console. A could be any of the following data types:

  • matrix
  • dataset
  • model
  • structure
  • string

If A is a string and c (if provided) is a 1 ×3 vector of values between 0 and 1, then the string is printed on the BayES console in the color defined by the values in c, in a red-green-blue (rgb) scale.
If A is not a string and c is provided, then c is ignored and a warning is printed on the console.


When the function is called without an argument it prints on the BayES console a list of the id values of items in memory in the current workspace. If A is provided then it prints a list of the elements/variable names of A. These items/elements are reported first by data type in the following order:

  1. matrices

  2. datasets

  3. models

  4. structures

  5. strings

and then alphabetically, according to their id value.

  • A must be a dataset, model or structure
  • if A is a dataset then the function prints a list of the variable names containted in A

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