B.8 Matrix decompositions & quadratures
The following statements are used to decompose matrices (or datasets) or to produce abscissae and weights for approximating integrals via Gaussian quadratures.
Syntax | Arguments and performed function |
L = chol(X); | L is a lower-triangular matrix such that: L*L′= X
[v, V] = eig(X); | If X is an symmetric matrix then v is an vector that contains the eigenvalues of X and V is an matrix that contains the corresponding eigenvectors, such that: V*diag(v)*inv(V)= X
[x, w] = quadrature(n , s); | x is an n vector of
abscissae and w an n
vector of corresponding weights for a Gaussian quadrature. Depending on the value
of the optional argument, the abscissae and weights could be for a Gauss-Laguerre
or Gauss-Hermite quadrature.