4.3 Random-effects linear model

Mathematical representation

yit = αi + xitβ + 𝜀 it,𝜀it N 0, 1 τ ,αi N 0, 1 ω (4.4)

PIC The mean of the distribution of the αis is restricted to zero and, therefore, these are simply group-specific errors terms. However, including a constant term in the set of independent variables is valid and leads to a specification equivalent to one where the group effects are draws from a normal distribution with mean equal to the parameter associated with the constant term and precision ω.


Parameter Probability density function Default hyperparameters

β p β = |P|12 2πK2 exp 1 2 β mP β m m = 0 K, P = 0.001 IK
τ p τ = bτaτ Γaτ τaτ1eτbτ aτ = 0.001, bτ = 0.001
ω p ω = bωaω Γaω ωaω1eωbω aω = 0.01, bω = 0.001


[<model name> = ] lm_re( y ~ x1 x2  xK [, <options> ] );


PIC Before using the lm_re() function the dataset used for estimation must be declared as a panel dataset using the set_pd() function (see section B.13).

PIC BayES automatically drops from the sample used for estimation groups which are observed only once. This is because for these groups the group effect (αi) cannot be distinguished from the error term (𝜀it).

The optional arguments for the random-effects linear model are:3

Gibbs parameters


number of chains to run in parallel (positive integer); the default value is 1


number of burn-in draws per chain (positive integer); the default value is 10000


number of retained draws per chain (positive integer); the default value is 20000


value of the thinning parameter (positive integer); the default value is 1


value of the seed for the random-number generator (positive integer); the default value is 42



mean vector of the prior for β (K ×1 vector); the default value is 0K


precision matrix of the prior for β (K ×K symmetric and positive-definite matrix); the default value is 0.001 IK


shape parameter of the prior for τ (positive number); the default value is 0.001


rate parameter of the prior for τ (positive number); the default value is 0.001


shape parameter of the prior for ω (positive number); the default value is 0.01


rate parameter of the prior for ω (positive number); the default value is 0.001

Dataset and log-marginal likelihood


the id value of the dataset that will be used for estimation; the default value is the first dataset in memory (in alphabetical order)


boolean indicating whether the Chib (1995)/Chib & Jeliazkov (2001) approximation to the log-marginal likelihood should be calculated (true|false); the default value is false

Reported Parameters



vector of parameters associated with the independent variables



precision parameter of the observation-specific error term, 𝜀it



precision parameter of the group-specific error term, αi



standard deviation of the observation-specific error term: σ𝜀 = 1τ12



standard deviation of the group-specific error term: σα = 1ω12

Stored values and post-estimation analysis
If a left-hand-side id value is provided when a random-effects linear model is created, then the following results are saved in the model item and are accessible via the ‘.’ operator:


a matrix containing the draws from the posterior of β, τ and ω


vectors containing the draws from the posterior of the parameters associated with variables x1,,xK (the names of these vectors are the names of the variables that were included in the right-hand side of the model)


vector containing the draws from the posterior of τ


vector containing the draws from the posterior of ω


the Lewis & Raftery (1997) approximation of the log-marginal likelihood


the Chib (1995)/Chib & Jeliazkov (2001) approximation to the log-marginal likelihood; this is available only if the model was estimated with the "logML_CJ"=true option


N ×1 vector that stores the group-specific errors; the values in this vector are not guaranteed to be in the same order as the order in which the groups appear in the dataset used for estimation; use the store() function to associate the values in alpha_i with the observations in the dataset


the number of chains that were used to estimate the model


the number of burn-in draws per chain that were used when estimating the model


the total number of retained draws from the posterior ( =chains draws)


value of the thinning parameter that was used when estimating the model


value of the seed for the random-number generator that was used when estimating the model

Additionally, the following functions are available for post-estimation analysis (see section B.14):

The random-effects linear model uses the store() function to associate the group effects (alpha_i) with specific observations and store their values in the dataset used for estimation. The generic syntax for a statement involving the store() function after estimation of a random-effects linear model is:

store( alpha_i, <new variable name>, ["model"=<model name>] );


Example 1

myData = import("$BayESHOME/Datasets/dataset2.csv", ","); 
myData.constant = ones(rows(myData), 1); 
set_pd( year, id, "dataset" = myData); 
lm_re( y ~ constant x1 x2 x3 );

Example 2

myData = import("$BayESHOME/Datasets/dataset2.csv", ","); 
myData.constant = ones(rows(myData), 1); 
set_pd( year, id, "dataset" = myData); 
myModel = lm_re(y ~ constant x1 x2 x3, 
    "m"=ones(4,1), "P" = 0.1*eye(4,4), 
    "a_tau"=0.01, "b_tau"=0.01, 
    "a_omega"=0.1, "b_omega"=0.01, 
    "burnin"=10000, "draws"=40000, "thin"=4, "chains"=2, 
    "logML_CJ" = true, "dataset"=myData); 
store( alpha_i, re, "model" = myModel ); 
test( > 8 );

3Optional arguments are always given in option-value pairs (eg. "chains"=3).

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